Sunday, May 29, 2011

Our Peaceful Olly

This morning, when I was woken up by our special little guy at some ungodly hour, I didn't send him back to bed as I usually do. I pulled him into bed next to me and snuggled up close to him, breathing in his gorgeous little boy smell, cuddling his warm little body. Today was a different day......Today I was going to make the most of stealing a few moments with my boy......Today our beautiful man is 5.

   When I was pregnant with Mr Gorgeous, Hubby and I were having a difficult time trying to come up with a name that we both liked. I had scoured every baby name book conceivable to mankind but still no joy. Then one day a name jumped out at me, a name I liked.....No, no, a name I suddenly loved.
    I had come across the name before - it's not like it's unusual - but this name had caught my attention,, it had reached out and grabbed me.....I adored it.

              Oliver   "Olly"
I also loved the meaning; "Peaceful".

Now at this stage I didn't even know if the baby we were having was a boy, I just knew that I had to have this name. I wrote it down everywhere; our house was covered in  little post it notes with 'Olly' written all over them....I drove Hubby nuts.

Then the big day arrived and he was here. Our Oliver, Our Olly, Our Peaceful one. He has certainly lived up to his name;  an easy adorable baby, a funny, cuddly toddler, a cheeky, sweet preschooler and now.....a big, clever school boy.

Happy 5th Birthday to our wonderful boy - we hope you have a magical day. xxx

1 comment:

  1. Oh he is adorable and I love his name. I have no blues - we had heaps of boys names we both loved too. But I do love being a mummy to girls (1 of whom turned 5 last month). Happy birthday Olly. Cazxx


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